
Play with text...

Just completed a short essay
grappled steps in the method-making of writing focusing on Stein...
"Gertrude Stein wrote writing about writing … ‘Sentences make one sigh,’ she said. ‘A sentence says you know what I mean’. ‘I would use a sentence if I could’. ‘A sentence says you know what I mean. A sentence that is simple is a cross with a meaning’. A sentence says you know what I mean, Stein pushes. ‘Sentences can be made wonderful, one at a time’. Still … they make her sigh. To Alice ... ‘I would use a sentence if I could’. (Because) … ‘a sentence says you know what I mean’.
This method making of written meaning is the sighing signing root making my own writing, my mary-festo...This is a manifesto of sorts, a manifesto that’s aim is to hold out against the blankness of language through a subverting meaning through the structuring and writing of language."

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